Sunday, May 29, 2011

Motivation and I had a falling out

Dear Motivation,

I am sorry if I hurt your feelings.  I know the last few times you came around I didn't spend much time with you and you probably felt ignored.  It's just that the internet has SO MUCH stuff to look at, it's very distracting.  Plus there is the kids, asking for my help to clear the next Mario level, or wanting to go play at the park.  I'm sorry but they're way more fun than you.

There are lots of the great things we can do next time you come over.  Please stop by again soon, and I promise things will be different. We'll do tons of stuff together, just like old times - as long as that beatch Procrastination doesn't come with you.


Wednesday, April 13, 2011

SuperMom - Misnomer or Possibility?

Some mornings I leave the house feeling like SuperMom - got up, got ready, unloaded dishwasher, did a load of laundry, cleaned the living room, planned for supper, wiped down a bathroom, swept the kitchen floor, remembered to give the dogs water, got the kids up, got them ready, stayed patient, organized snacks and toys and backpacks, left the house 10 minutes early, with a fully-charged Blackberry safely on my hip and a fully charged laptop safely in my bag, dropped the kids off at the sitter, and got to work with plenty of time to stand in line for a London Fog on the way by.  Phew. I am SuperMom!  Feels great!  When I get home everything is in order!

Some days I come home and SuperMom keeps going - leave work on time, pick up the kids on time, supper is ready at a decent time, cleaned up,remember to feed the dogs, the morning's laundry load is dried, folded and put away, vacuum, dust, wipe down another bathroom, kids get an actual bath (WITH hair washing), stay patient through the bedtime charts (clean up, snack, brush teeth, stories, potty, mommy "will you schweep wiff me"), kids asleep by 8:30, everything in order, lunches packed for tomorrow, dishwasher humming.  Ahhhh, Mommy-time Wine-time Whatever-I-want-time.  After some homework that is - I am usually taking a University class or two at any given time.

Most days, this is NOT how it goes.  Just imagine the Exact Opposite of the above.  Chaos. Fail.

Some women seem to have it totally together all the time, but I don't know how.  I try to keep up, but it only takes a day of less-than-stellar-housekeeping for it all to go to down the drain fast.  There's clean clothes on the couch waiting to be folded, there's something in the fridge that really shouldn't be there anymore, there's toys in the living room (does nobody care that toys have been BANNED from the living room?).  Sigh.

Sometimes I feel bad that I don't have my kids in soccer and ballet and piano and gymnastics and kindermusic and skating and swimming and brownies and karate and and and and.......  oh sure, they have taken some of these things, but we only allow one thing at a time.  It's just too much to do more than that.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

I AM ON THE #!&!!@!& PHONE !!! @#!&!!@!&#&!!!

Honestly, I am convinced there is some strange phenomenon that occurs when a mom picks up a phone.  Some signal goes off in a child's brain that makes them start yelling, running, needing things, climbing, and requiring them to be within 1 foot of their mother at all times.  Even when I try going to another room, they follow - loudly.  And if the person on the other end also has small children, there is equal chaos.

My sister and I have solved this problem.  It's called MSN!  We can chat for hours. Sure, there's intermittent breaks, sometimes an hour between posts, odd subject changes - but we know the other is just dealing with kids and life in the meantime.

Mommy can you make me one of those things?

My daughter came up to me this morning and said "Mommy can you make me one of those things?"  I must have looked confused because she went on to explain "You know, one of those THINGS, with paper".   Huh? She accompanied her statement by moving the thumb and index fingers of both hands open and shut, open and shut. 

OH!!! One of THOSE things!  "You mean with the numbers and you pick one, then you pick a color?" She gave me a look like I was a bit slow, but she was proud that I'd managed to figure it out. Sure we can make one, how hard can it be?  I made them when I was a kid, I made them for the older two when they were little.

Turns out origami is not my strong suit, neither is my memory on how to make these 'things' (what are they called anyway??).  However, I'm proud to say that after a few attempts and lots of folding this way and that, the "thing" was accomplished WITHOUT the use of Google.

Now I just need to get the two of them to stop coming up to me every 8 seconds saying "Mommy pick a number".

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Were did the last month go?

March has been very long and very short at the same time.  The long cold winter seems to be hanging on to the last possible minute.  It is still hard to believe tomorrow is April 1st.  I guess taking two classes on top of the working mom gig has an upside - time goes by fast when you're too busy to notice!  I have nothing exciting to talk about, I just wanted to be able to say I posted something in the month of March. 

The most entertainment around here lately is the Wii.  The little ones are old enough to attempt to play, and it is wild, animated, hilarious and dangerous.  They jump when Mario jumps, swordfight like it's real, make the greatest facial expression and generally almost bump into each other or the tv constantly. At least they're getting some exercise - just stay clear!  Even the dogs have learned it's not a good idea to lay down anywhere near the field of play.  I hope when they're older, they still have fun together.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Coconut Basmati Rice Pudding

Mmmmmm, just the thought of it makes my mouth water.  Anything with coconut is good, right? This is how I made it today:
2 1/4 c. coconut milk, 1 c. basmati rice, 1/2 c. sugar, 1/2 tsp. vanilla, 1/2 c. raisins
- Put everything in a saucepan,
- Turn on burner and go see what the kids are yelling about, remind them to share,
- Come back, stir pudding, enjoy coconutty aroma, imagine how tasty it will be,
- Fill the dog's water dish, pick up a few toys in the living room, wonder why there's a banana peel on the couch, put scissors and tape out of kids reach (how did they get to the living room in the first place?), lament that there's laundry waiting, watch a few minutes of 'Toopy and Binoo', realize the kids aren't even in the room, plug in the laptop because the battery is almost dead, log into Facebook, remind myself I should be doing homework instead, wonder why it sounds like water is running,
- Realize it's the forgotten pudding boiling over,
- Run to the kitchen, remove it from the burner,
- Curse and clean up the mess,
- Add a little water to make up for what ended up on the stove,
- Stir, cover and simmer for 40 minutes....Voila!

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Smoothies! (prefaced by random ramblings)

Are blogs supposed to be funny?  Some of the ones I read are absolutely hilarious, some of them mirror incidents in my own life, some are informative.  I guess if something funny happens, I will write a funny post.  I really just like getting little anecdotes written down so I can let them out of my head.  You know, there's only so much room for information in there.  Research proves it.  Research also shows that the size of the Amygdala is proportional to a person's social contact needs.  Apparently Facebookers and Bloggers have larger amygdala, introverted loners have small ones.  Wow, what a surprise, our brain affects how we act. 

But I digress - back to the topic of this blog, Smoothies!  Here are few of our favorites, all made in the fabulous Magic Bullet. This works great because everyone can pick their own flavor, made right in the cup.

Base: 1 cup crushed ice, 1/4 to 1/2 cup vanilla yogurt, 1-2 scoops vanilla cream meal replacement powder
Add flavors to base:
Creamsicle - 1 cup orange juice, 1/2 banana (optional)
Choco-Banana - 1 cup milk, 1/2 banana, 1 TB cocoa, 1 TB sugar
Very Berry - 1 1/2 cups milk, handful of frozen berries, 1/4 cup strawberry yogurt
Pina Colada - 1 cup pineapple juice, 2 TB coconut milk powder

* Please note: All quantities are estimated, I have never actually measured anything in a smoothie! 

Happy Balentime's Day

This year Carly made her own valentines!  We cut out heart shapes, and she wrote the names and drew on them.  I was amazed at her dedication, they all had to be the same, she took this very seriously.  Her class at school and all the kids at daycare will love them - according to her, because she is convinced they are 'the best balentime's ever'.  Love the confidence. Jack made his own too, I wrote on them and he colored on them and put stamps on them.  That's all you need, it's the thought that counts!  Personally, I'm not a big fan of Valentine's Day - it puts pressure on relationships, some people are romantic and some are not, I guess I'm not.  But I'll take the flowers and chocolates if they happen to be offered...

Saturday, January 29, 2011


Hate is such a strong word.  I really try not to use it, but when I think about laundry it's just the only word I can use to describe it.  Don't get me wrong, I love having the laundry done - clean clothes neatly folded and tucked into the drawers, knowing that in the morning when it's time to get dressed everyone can choose what to wear calmly, no one will yell "but where's my PINK shirt with the PINK flowers" or "NO, I want Lightening DaQueen shirt" or "is there any clean underwear somewhere?".  But getting to that point is just something I have trouble doing. Even now, as I type, I really should be putting clothes in the washer, and putting others in the dryer, and folding the dry stuff, and putting away the stuff that's folded - it just seems like such an ordeal!

I don't know where this hatred comes from.  My mom LOVES laundry, is excited to do it, sets the timer so she knows it's time to switch loads, and folds everything with care and precision. Clearly, this love of laundry did not pass to me through DNA - nature and nurture both let me down on this one.  I look forward to when she comes to visit - Guess what Mom, I SAVED a few loads of laundry for you!  (Always the thoughtful, caring and generous daughter...)

The worst is when I forget that there's something in the wash.  Do you ever walk past the laundry room and go "Oh ya, laundry, I wonder how long that load's been in there".   Trust me, you do not want to put the clothes in the dryer - they definitely need to be rewashed first with hot water and extra detergent.  It really doesn't take long before that musty smell takes hold. (Do NOT tell my mother this happens, she may faint from the horror at the mere thought of it!)

And the folding - why is folding so difficult?  My husband tries, and he means well, but he might as well just crumple each piece into a ball for all the good his folding does.  You have to straighten it out, smooth out the wrinkles - I am convinced he is 'faking' his complete lack of ability to fold clothes, so he doesn't have to. Leave the shirts and pants to me, but hey - go crazy on the towels and socks!

I know the trick is to "Do a load everyday" and I have tried.  Put a load in the wash before leaving for work, put it in the dryer when you get home, fold it after supper, put it away at bedtime.  Doesn't seem so bad, just a few minutes 4 times throughout the day.... ya, that should be doable.  And I don't sort colors, and socks and underwear can go in the drawer without folding.  Sounds manageable. 

The teenagers now do their own laundry, another 6 years and daughter #3 can take over hers, about 9 years for the boy.  I may be in a straight jacket by then - oh no, wait, they are white and require laundering, so I do not want one in the house.

Family game night!

Wednesday Carly came home from school very excited - tomorrow was Family Literacy Day, and we 'had' to play a game and we couldn't play 'electronic games'.  I wasn't personally concerned about being in trouble with her Grade 1 teacher if we disobeyed, but she was quite adamant that this was important.

The next day she hadn't forgotten, and insisted we play a game that night.  So we had a quick supper, and managed to get everyone sitting around the table (teenage sisters included!).  We pulled out a few board games and she chose Monopoly.

About 30 seconds in, 3yr old Jack declared "this is aboring", but he hung in there and was happy for quite a while as long as he got to shake the dice every once in awhile.  Carly actually did really well, and kept landing on properties to buy.  In the end, Daddy won but we all had fun.

Last night, they had fun playing 'Operation' and putting the little people in the little cars from the "Game of Life".  I guess we should try doing this more often.  Computer games, online games, Wii and DS really aren't the same.