Saturday, January 29, 2011

Family game night!

Wednesday Carly came home from school very excited - tomorrow was Family Literacy Day, and we 'had' to play a game and we couldn't play 'electronic games'.  I wasn't personally concerned about being in trouble with her Grade 1 teacher if we disobeyed, but she was quite adamant that this was important.

The next day she hadn't forgotten, and insisted we play a game that night.  So we had a quick supper, and managed to get everyone sitting around the table (teenage sisters included!).  We pulled out a few board games and she chose Monopoly.

About 30 seconds in, 3yr old Jack declared "this is aboring", but he hung in there and was happy for quite a while as long as he got to shake the dice every once in awhile.  Carly actually did really well, and kept landing on properties to buy.  In the end, Daddy won but we all had fun.

Last night, they had fun playing 'Operation' and putting the little people in the little cars from the "Game of Life".  I guess we should try doing this more often.  Computer games, online games, Wii and DS really aren't the same.

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