Thursday, March 31, 2011

Were did the last month go?

March has been very long and very short at the same time.  The long cold winter seems to be hanging on to the last possible minute.  It is still hard to believe tomorrow is April 1st.  I guess taking two classes on top of the working mom gig has an upside - time goes by fast when you're too busy to notice!  I have nothing exciting to talk about, I just wanted to be able to say I posted something in the month of March. 

The most entertainment around here lately is the Wii.  The little ones are old enough to attempt to play, and it is wild, animated, hilarious and dangerous.  They jump when Mario jumps, swordfight like it's real, make the greatest facial expression and generally almost bump into each other or the tv constantly. At least they're getting some exercise - just stay clear!  Even the dogs have learned it's not a good idea to lay down anywhere near the field of play.  I hope when they're older, they still have fun together.