Sunday, November 21, 2010

Little boys think everything is HILARIOUS

My son is a typical boy, and apparently so is my husband.

The other day Jack was having a 'typical 3-year-old meltdown'. I tried to distract, tried talking calmly, got frustrated, was on the verge of a meltdown myself - Daddy steps in and says 'poop'.  The screaming decibel levels dropped immediately.  Daddy says "poopy poopy fart fart", the screaming stops and there is even a hint of a smile.  Jack farts and they both start laughing like they just heard the greatest joke ever told.  Is it really that simple!!!?!?

The words 'pull my finger' seem to bring them both endless hours of entertainment, and my son apparently feels that the word 'poop' can be substituted for almost any noun: 
And now back to the poop! (program)
I'm putting on my poop. (boots)
Can you get me some poop? (cereal)
I'm reading myself a poop (story)

And whenever he says stuff like that, Daddy is so proud. Must be a male bonding thing.  Nature vs. Nuture?  It's obviously nature at work here.  Hubby tried the same things with all three girls, but it was nothing like this. 

I can't believe I have actually typed the word 'poop' , let alone so many times in one blog.  I must be getting de-sensitized.  Some days I really do not understand my boys!

Thursday, November 18, 2010

The Cutlery Drawer

What is with the cutlery drawer?  It's clean, you put perfectly clean cutlery fresh from the dishwasher in it, you close it.  And yet everytime I reach in for a fork I see crumbs or lint or dirt or something.  Is there some cutlery-drawer-crumb-fairy that opens the drawer when I'm not looking and brushes toast crumbs into it?  Does this drawer actually open itself when I'm not there and gather crumbs like some sort of magnet?  I just need to know.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Why does my back feel warm? and damp?

3 times in the past couple of months I have woken up with the feeling that something isn't right. One minute I am sleeping peacefully in my cozy bed, the next I'm wondering why I'm cold. There appears to be a small child behind me, taking up most of my pillow and stealing my covers.  Maybe that's why I'm cold.  But wait, my back feels warm, but cool at the same time, how odd. Wait a minute, is that dampness? is my shirt wet? How could that be? and what is that acrid smell?... Suddenly I am very wide awake. Arrrgghhh. He wet the bed. Good thing this little boy is so adorable.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Breakfast in Bed - 6 year old style

This morning my husband and I were treated to breakfast in bed!

I could hear something going on in the kitchen, and then our daughter came into the bedroom. "I have a surprise for you" - and handed me two glasses of apple juice.  Then she ran out and returned with two bowls of Capt'n Crunch.  Next came her Dora tray with a 'vase' of flowers and a small statue of the Eiffel tower.  Fancy!

It was very cute, and she was so proud.  The cereal was a little soggy, and she nearly spilled it all when she climbed up between us to 'share', but all in all it was pretty adorable.  Thank you Princess.

3 year old Logic

Today my son is a statue.  This came in very handy for him several times. When I asked him to pick up the lite brite pegs:  "I can't, I'm a statue".  Later, when I asked him to pick up the contents of his piggy bank (that he had ceremoniously dumped on his bedroom floor):  "I can't, I'm a statue".  He accompanied his statement with a demonstration of a very serious looking statue.

The thought of him staying still for even a few seconds is very appealing, maybe this statue thing could work to my advantage:  "If you're a statue, I guess you can't move.  Should I just carry you to your bed now then?"

He bolted from the room.  So much for being a statue, and so much for picking up the coins.  They're still there.  Maybe tomorrow we'll try again.

Friday, November 12, 2010


I always knew that I would eventually start a blog, even before my 6-year-old daughter was born.  I am always composing little stories in my head, thinking of how I would explain something, and planning topics for blog posts. The reality is, I just need to get all of these little stories out of my head because they are taking up valuable space. When Facebook came along, I thought updating my status would be enough to get the ideas out, but I guess I need to write more than 140 characters.

I have 3 daughters (age 6, 16, and 18)  1 son (age 3), 1 husband, 2 dogs, 1 house and 1 full-time job outside the home. I have pretty much accepted chaos as a way of life.  Some days I prevail, other days the chaos prevails.  Some days it's a good thing the kids are cute.

Keep things in perspective!