Wednesday, April 13, 2011

SuperMom - Misnomer or Possibility?

Some mornings I leave the house feeling like SuperMom - got up, got ready, unloaded dishwasher, did a load of laundry, cleaned the living room, planned for supper, wiped down a bathroom, swept the kitchen floor, remembered to give the dogs water, got the kids up, got them ready, stayed patient, organized snacks and toys and backpacks, left the house 10 minutes early, with a fully-charged Blackberry safely on my hip and a fully charged laptop safely in my bag, dropped the kids off at the sitter, and got to work with plenty of time to stand in line for a London Fog on the way by.  Phew. I am SuperMom!  Feels great!  When I get home everything is in order!

Some days I come home and SuperMom keeps going - leave work on time, pick up the kids on time, supper is ready at a decent time, cleaned up,remember to feed the dogs, the morning's laundry load is dried, folded and put away, vacuum, dust, wipe down another bathroom, kids get an actual bath (WITH hair washing), stay patient through the bedtime charts (clean up, snack, brush teeth, stories, potty, mommy "will you schweep wiff me"), kids asleep by 8:30, everything in order, lunches packed for tomorrow, dishwasher humming.  Ahhhh, Mommy-time Wine-time Whatever-I-want-time.  After some homework that is - I am usually taking a University class or two at any given time.

Most days, this is NOT how it goes.  Just imagine the Exact Opposite of the above.  Chaos. Fail.

Some women seem to have it totally together all the time, but I don't know how.  I try to keep up, but it only takes a day of less-than-stellar-housekeeping for it all to go to down the drain fast.  There's clean clothes on the couch waiting to be folded, there's something in the fridge that really shouldn't be there anymore, there's toys in the living room (does nobody care that toys have been BANNED from the living room?).  Sigh.

Sometimes I feel bad that I don't have my kids in soccer and ballet and piano and gymnastics and kindermusic and skating and swimming and brownies and karate and and and and.......  oh sure, they have taken some of these things, but we only allow one thing at a time.  It's just too much to do more than that.


  1. We can never be SuperMoms. I read this quote somewhere: There is no one way to be a perfect mother, but a million ways to be a good one.

    Just being there for our kids? That's a good Mom. Hang in there!

  2. I hear you on this one! I just finally gave up trying to be a super mom. It's impossible. I'd rather have happy kids than be a stickler for things like toys in the living room.

  3. The thing that helps keep me sane is DELEGATING... my kids are sweeping, picking toys up out of the living room, folding laundry, taking out the trash, unloading the dishwasher. My four are between 5 and 9 now and it's not PERFECT... they miss Legos and sometimes shove crap under the sofa and sometimes, it's DAYS before my pile of clean laundry on the sofa is folded but, it's LESS on MY LIST every day.
    Giving kids their OWN chores is SUPER! :) Hang in there.

  4. Oh sweetie you are no where near alone. I feel that way often. As I was reading your post I felt like I was reading about my own day. It is so tough to be a working mom. Most weeks we are just keeping our heads above water and we hope that we get just enough done during the week so that we have so resemblance of a weekend. As for the activities... we have the same rule in our house too. One at a time. Hang in there! -Laverne visiting from Sunday Funday

  5. Oh boy! I can so relate!!! I wish I could have those supermom kind of days every's just not possible!
    Hope you had a Happy Mother's Day!
    Visiting from Sunday Funday.
